Great burdock, root (lot. Arctium lappa, rhizoma)

2 oz / 50 grams


Burdock root is very popular in folk medicine because it has unique healing properties: diuretic, biliary excretion-enhancing, sweating-promoting effect, even able to reduce pain. Burdock roots are believed to help bile to produce enzymes, have a mild laxative effect, have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Burdock preparations stimulate urine, loosen bowels, promote sweating and bile secretion, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. In traditional and folk medicine, oils are prepared from burdock raw material to treat purulent wounds, burns and various skin diseases: eczema, seborrhea, dandruff. It is also used for gastrointestinal disorders, rheumatism, gout and gall or urinary bladder problems.

Great burdock, root / Arctium lappa, rhizoma


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Healing properties

Burdock preparations stimulate urine, loosen bowels, promote sweating and bile secretion, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. In traditional and folk medicine, oils are prepared from burdock raw material to treat purulent wounds, burns and various skin diseases: eczema, seborrhea, dandruff. It is also used for gastrointestinal disorders, rheumatism, gout and gall or urinary bladder problems.

Burdock and other plant mixtures for hair:
For flaky skin and falling hair, pour 20 g of burdock roots, 10 g of calendula flowers (you can also add 15 g of hop cones) to a liter of water. Let’s rinse our head with this decoction twice a week.

Decoction to strengthen hair 20 g of chopped burdock roots pour 0.5 l of water and boil for 5 minutes. Filter the cooled decoction and rub it on the scalp, then wash the hair with the decoction. Let’s do this three times a week for two months.

For frizzy hair Pour 4 tablespoons of medicinal yellow, burdock root and nettle mixture (in equal parts) into 4 glasses of cold water. Covered for 15 min. let’s cook on low heat. After that, let’s hold for another 15 minutes. Let’s strain the slightly cooled decoction and rub it into the scalp.

Part of Healthy Teas AJ

Ointment for rubbing sore joints
Add 10 tablespoons of chopped fresh burdock roots to a small container and pour 100 g of sunflower oil. Let’s keep them like this for a day, then pour the oil into another clean container, and pour 150 g of fresh sunflower oil on top again. A new mixture for 30 min. let’s heat it in a water bath and leave it there for two to three hours. Filter, mix with the first used oil and store in a dark place.

Compress for sore joints
Pour a tablespoon of chopped burdock roots with two glasses of boiling water. After boiling for about 20 min. let it cool. After that, let’s strain it and put compresses on the painful joints.

To treat rheumatism or polyarthritis
Pour a tablespoon of burdock roots with two glasses of boiling water. After that, let’s keep the infusion in a warm place for two hours, strain it and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day.

In case of arthritis, pour 10 g of chopped burdock root into a glass of room temperature water. Let’s boil it for 30 minutes, cool it down, strain it and take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

To treat eczema
Pour a spoonful of chopped burdock root into two glasses of boiling water and boil for 30 minutes. After that, let’s cool the decoction, strain it and use it for healing compresses.

Attention! Burdock is a medicinal plant, not a tea plant. Before use, do not forget to consider your diseases and consult your doctor or pharmacist. Remember that it is not advisable to use burdock for pregnant and lactating women, people who are allergic to plants of the sedge family, and people with diabetes.


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