Chicory Tea / Lot. Cichorium intybus

2 oz / 50 grams


According to folk medicine, the healing power of chicory harmonizes the work of your entire body, regulates the heart, kidneys, liver and blood, relieves intestinal dysbacteriosis, and will be a reliable preventive measure against its occurrence.



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Chicory is a plant whose seeds, roots and dried flowers are used in medicine, cooking and phytotherapy. The parts of this plant are rich in nutrients, it is good for the heart, improves digestion, and helps maintain a constant weight.
And when the scales, the mirror and, finally, the clothes you buy in ever-larger numbers for your dimensions, show the no longer impressive plumpness of Rubens’s paintings, this plant will help to “burn” the subcutaneous fat accumulations without any side effects, caused by your irregular diet and unsuitable for your divine food for the body, activating intestinal peristalsis and normalizing metabolism.
The contained in the leaves helps the digestive tract to better absorb minerals from the food, including calcium (which is already the worst absorbed), thus causing a feeling of satiety, without additional calories, which is necessary for reducing kilograms.

Chicory is a true source of vitamins and minerals and contains zinc, magnesium, manganese, calcium, folate and potassium, as well as vitamins A, B6, C, E and K.

Healthy properties

One of the main properties of chicory, lowering blood sugar, is very suitable for the treatment of diabetes.The upper part of the plant has a curative effect, in cases of anemia, arthritis, rheumatism, gout, osteochondrosis, diabetes, gangrene and thyroid tumors, it will help to remove toxins from the body after poisoning.

In folk medicine, chicory is used as a sedative against nervous irritation. However, it has a weaker effect than valerian.
“Chicory cleanses the body, improves liver function, normalizes metabolism. It stimulates the appetite, calms the nervous system, improves digestion, heart function, slows the heart rate, drives bile and urine, has a mild laxative effect.”
In addition, chicory is suitable for treatment of diabetes, skin, liver and pancreatic diseases with low gastric acidity. It strengthens the body, reduces swelling.

Chicory infusion:

Boil 2 dessert spoons of chicory in a thermos with 2 glasses of boiling water and leave for 2 hours to infuse. After filtering, it is recommended to drink half a glass 4 times a day.

According to folk medicine, the healing power of chicory harmonizes the work of your entire body, regulates the heart, kidneys, liver and blood, relieves intestinal dysbacteriosis, and will be a reliable preventive measure against its occurrence.

An infusion will have a calming effect on the nervous system, which is important for those with sleep disorders, will increase the amplitude of heart contractions and slow down the rhythm, promote the release of urine in the event of swelling due to heart problems.
Preparations normalize the work of the liver, kidneys, spleen and other internal organs. It is an indispensable plant for those suffering from hypertension, migraine, and nervous diseases. This plant can also deal with pancreatic diseases.

Part of Healthy Teas AJ

In no case should you abuse chicory preparations with chronic diseases, a doctor’s consultation is necessary here,
It is recommended to be used with extreme caution in case of: neurosis, hemorrhoids, gastritis, varicose veins, bronchial asthma, bronchitis; Under no circumstances should chive preparations be given to children.
People with allergy syndrome should be careful knowing that this plant contains a lot of vitamins C and B, which can cause an allergic reaction; Also, people with ulcers or erosion of the stomach and digestive tract should not use chicory preparations.
Sometimes a decoction of chicory flowers dissolves stones in the gall bladder, but it is advisable to be careful, because the decoction can provoke a strong movement of the stones, which is manifested by sharp, painful spasms and colic in the area of the liver.

+ Holiday Gift for You- 1 pc. Natural Healthy Tea Set


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