Active ingredients
It is a valuable ornamental, food and medicinal plant. Rowan fruits contain about 4-8% sugar, 0.6-2.8% organic acids, a lot of pectins, there is more vitamin C than in lemons, almost equal to thorns, there are more vitamin P and carotene than in carrots and it is much easier to absorb. It is also rich in saccharides, flavonoids, tannins, less common vitamin E, iodine, essential oils, minerals, trace elements. Used in the production of jams, vinegar, spirits, wine. The bark contains about 14% tannins.
Healing properties
Traditional medicine also advises on using the rowan preparations for treatment of various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (they promotes the secretion of digestive juices, increases acidity, loosens the bowels), kidney and bladder stone disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, haemorrhoids, rheumatism, minor anaemia.
Contraindications. Rowan should not be used in patients with stone disease, ulcers, diarrhoea and increased stomach acidity. The seeds contain cyanic acid, which is extremely toxic.
Small amounts of it have a positive effect on the body, but large amounts can be fatal. Traditional medicine advises on using the rowan preparations for treatment of various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (they promotes the secretion of digestive juices, increases acidity, loosens the bowels), kidney and bladder stone disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, haemorrhoids, rheumatism, minor anaemia.
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