European White Birch, leaf / Betula pendula, folium

2 oz / 50 grams


Silver birch buds, leaves, bark and sap are used to treat various diseases, which have many healing properties against many diseases.
The leaves clean the sand well from the kidneys and the stones from the liver. Young shoots and leaves loosen stool. Silver birch leaves are used for treatment of bacterial and other urinary tract infections, they are suitable for therapeutic rinsing.

European White Birch, leaf / Betula pendula, folium


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Active ingredients

The leaves contain essential oils and other substances, the leaves are rich in potassium, iron, zinc.

Healing properties

Silver birch buds, leaves, bark and sap are used to treat various diseases, which have many healing properties against many diseases.
The leaves clean the sand well from the kidneys and the stones from the liver. Young shoots and leaves loosen stool. Silver birch leaves are used for treatment of bacterial and other urinary tract infections, they are suitable for therapeutic rinsing.
Birch leaf tea is used as a means of cleansing the blood and promoting the excretion of urine. It cleanses and strengthens the stomach, speeds up kidney function and cleanses them from kidney sand. To prepare the tea, take one handful of dried leaves per glass of water. Pour the leaves with boiling water and wait for two hours. This tea is consumed cold too three times a day for several months in a row.

Part of Healthy Teas AJ

Leaf preparations do not irritate the kidneys, and their phytoncides kill many microorganisms.
Leaf infusion is consumed to regulate menstruation period, to improve gastric and intestinal function. Suitable for oncological diseases, atherosclerosis, cholecystitis, nerve diseases. Leaf infusion drives out slag, treats liver lambliosis.
It is important to drink tea in moderation, not to overdose. After drinking a week or two it is necessary to take a break. Silver birch buds, leaves, bark and sap are used to treat various diseases, which have many healing properties against many diseases.


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