Meadow-sweet, herb / Filipendula vulgaris Moench, herba

2 oz / 50 grams


According to the traditional medicine, the dropwort under the influence of salicylates, is lowering the temperature, relieving joint pain in rheumatism or arthritis and has absolutely no side effects typical of aspirin, i.e. does not cause stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding.

Meadow-sweet, herb / Filipendula vulgaris Moench, herba


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Healing properties

The therapeutic functions of the dropwort are determined by the range of biologically active substances – salicylic acid (natural aspirin), vitamin C. The dropwort is among the other medicinal plants in the treatment or prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system: infarction, stroke, cholesterol overdose, cholesterol excess, varicose veins, tachycardia, hypertension.
The dropwort is associated with the discovery of aspirin. In 1830, salicylates, substances with anti-inflammatory activity, were isolated from this plant for the first time. 6 years later, the pharmaceutical company Bayer developed and synthesized acetylsalicylic, based on these substances, which it called Aspirin.
According to the traditional medicine, the dropwort under the influence of salicylates, is lowering the temperature, relieving joint pain in rheumatism or arthritis and has absolutely no side effects typical of aspirin, i.e. does not cause stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding.
Dropwort is recommended for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, intestinal ulcers. According to traditional medicine, it is one of the best plants affecting the digestive system. It is believed that the dropwort protects the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces increased gastric acidity (gastritis), relieves nausea.
In traditional medicine, this herb has been widely used in fever, runny nose, flu, angina or bronchitis, as well as in the activation of the herpes virus. It is a plant with a strong antiviral and antibacterial program, disinfecting, sweating-promoting and urinary-promoting and anti-bleeding properties, anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory effects.
Dropwort preparations are recommended for the treatment of kidney, bladder and heart diseases, gout, rheumatism, epilepsy, uterine bleeding, haemorrhoids.
It is stated that the active substances of the plant are ruthless to microorganisms that cause diphtheria, dysentery, pneumonia.
It is a great medicinal plant in ancient times called a cure for 40 ailments – complicating and shortening our lives, the flow of which would be smoother and cheaper without them. Added to any tea gives it a honey aroma and a pleasant taste.
It is recommended to take 3 times a day or, if necessary, more frequently, if diagnosed with kidney, bladder, heart disease, anaemia, dysentery, other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, chest shortness of breathing, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, chronic cholecystitis, allergies, multiple sclerosis cases of various forms of hydrocephalus. It is a drink that stimulates the excretion of urine and sweat and expels worm parasites from the body.
Drinking the infusion of this plant reduces the level of uric acid in the body, normalizes metabolism, and at the same time disappears gout attacks.
Because the dropwort acts as an antiseptic and inhibits inflammatory processes, warm and where necessary hot compresses are recommended to apply on warts, abscesses, ulcers, eczema, burnt or frozen parts of the body, on the affected areas or it is possible to wash the problematic areas of the skin with a decoction, rinse the hair – promoting their growth.

Part of Healthy Teas AJ

It, in addition to the treatment of the already mentioned diseases – according to traditional medicine – will help to regulate blood pressure, cholesterol levels, improve vision, also cataracts will not develop.

Dropwort infusion is very useful for people with hypertension. It not only stabilizes your blood pressure, but also restores normal for your age blood pressure. To avoid the use of strong medications in patients with grade 2 hypertension, it is recommended to use torsional infusions regularly for 3 to 6 months.
Dropwort infusions are said to have a good effect on the circulatory system, prevent blood thickening and the formation of blood clots, effective in diabetes.
It has been found that the dropwort tincture of 20 percent strength, with its antibacterial effect, rapidly helps to close wounds and ulcers, promoting skin cell regeneration and faster epithelial formation. Epithelial tissue is the covering tissue. It is one of the major tissues next to muscle, nerve and connective tissue.
Dropwort flowers, according to folk medicine, are used to relieve various types of head and tooth pain, reduce fever, clean wounds, as well as means of promoting urinary excretion and antirheumatic effects.
The infusion of the dropwort flowers is recommended for the treatment of rheumatism, gastric and duodenal ulcers.
Studies in recent years have confirmed the sedative effect of dropwort flowers preparations on the nervous system, which removes even convulsions, and at the same time prevents the development of gastric mucosal erosion and ulcer foci. According to the traditional medicine, the dropwort under the influence of salicylates, is lowering the temperature, relieving joint pain in rheumatism or arthritis and has absolutely no side effects typical of aspirin, i.e. does not cause stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding.


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