Common hop, cones Tea / Lot. Humulus lupulus, conus

2 oz / 50 grams


Preparations from hop cones are used in case of sleep disorders, anxiety, as well as to improve digestion. Hop cone tea is used in cases of gastritis, roundworms, urethritis and to strengthen the hair. In folk medicine used against cough, fever, diarrhoea, insomnia, rheumatism, nerve inflammation.

Common hop, cones / Humulus lupulus, conus


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Active ingredients

Cultivated hops contain 15-23% lupulin and wild hop contain 7-9% lupulin. Lupulin consists of resins, bitter substances (humulone and lupulin), 3-4% glucose, choline, asparagine, 10-15% minerals and 5% tannins, isovaleric acid ester valerol, 3-6% essential oil (myrcene, phenazine, caryophyllene). The cones contain 0.5-1% essential oil and free acids (formic, fats, isovalerium, octyl, nonyl and decylene), formaldehyde, methyl nonyl ketone, farnesyl and dyes, the flowers contain about 0.5% lupulin and 2-30 mg oestrogen hormone.Cones contain 10-20 % lupulin, as well as choline and other substances.

Healing properties

They are used in the beer industry, in the production of medicines and in cosmetics. Vines are suitable for fibre production. Hop varieties grown for beer production ripen well, are fertile, and contain a lot of bitter substances in the cones – up to 16-19%.
Healing teas are made from hops.
Infusions, decoctions. Hops are included in soothing herbal blends. It has a sedative, antispasmodic, bactericidal, antiseptic, fungicidal, digestive improving, urinary excretion effect.

Part of Healthy Teas AJ

Preparations from hop cones are used in case of sleep disorders, anxiety, as well as to improve digestion. Hop cone tea is used in cases of gastritis, roundworms, urethritis and to strengthen the hair. In folk medicine used against cough, fever, diarrhoea, insomnia, rheumatism, nerve inflammation.
Hop cones have been used since ancient times as a sedative and hypnotic. They also improve digestion, suppress various pains, stimulate urine output, have antibacterial and antifungal effects. There are not so few of those good qualities, so even in our time, hops can be found not only in homeopathic medicines or medicinal teas, but also in “serious” medicines. When making yourself a tea of dried donuts, steep one small teaspoon of them in a glass of boiling water and brew for a few more minutes. For the first time, try to brew only one donut, because hops are bitter and, although very rare, there are people who are allergic to them. You can prepare a tea mixture with other herbs that also have a calming effect – thyme, lemon balm or lime flowers.

3-4 donuts are enough for a cup of tea, or if you have chopped ones, 1 tablespoon, we just pour them in a glass of boiling water, cover and keep for 5-10 minutes to absorb. We sweeten the tea with honey and drink it before going to bed. This tea is really bitter, so if you are afraid of the bitter taste, mix it with other calming herbs: chamomile, oregano, valerian.

+ Holiday Gift for You- 1 pc. Natural Healthy Tea Set


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