Marsh-mallow, grass / Althaea officinalis, herba

2 oz / 50 grams


For digestive system and metabolism, against dermatological diseases, useful for respiratory system, and immune system.

Marsh-mallow, grass / Althaea officinalis, herba


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Active ingredients

Active medicinal substances of Marsh-mallow: mucus, pectins, minerals, sugar, fat, asparagine, starch, carbohydrates, essential oil, colorants, flavonoids, phytosterols.

Healing properties

There is a lot of mucus in the herb and roots; and starch, sugars, asparagine, pectic substances, fatty oils in the roots; as well as flavonoids in the leaves. Traditional indications: irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx, associated dry cough, irritation of the gastric mucosa, gastric catarrh.
For digestive system and metabolism, against dermatological diseases, useful for respiratory system, and immune system.
This plant having medicinal properties is used in a traditional medicine. It is suitable for treatment of diseases of the respiratory system (liquefies bronchial secretions and thus facilitates expectoration, treats colds, bronchitis), diseases of the digestive system (treats an inflammation of the stomach).

Part of Healthy Teas AJ

Externally used plant has an anti-inflammatory, soothing, disinfecting effect, therefore is suitable for relieving inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa, and to treat skin diseases (acne, ulcers), to soften the skin. Marsh-mallow also strengthens the immune system.
The tea of this plant with honey is an aid against cough. Skin diseases can be treated with marsh-mallow as well.


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