Common hazel leaves Tea /Lot. Corylus avellana

2 oz / 50 grams


For Cardiovascular system activity, for Urinary and genital system, for Digestive system and metabolism, against Dermatological diseases.It constricts blood vessels, suppresses inflammation, has a bactericidal effect, so it is suitable for treating inflammations, varicose veins, bleeding, ulcers, and stimulating the release of urine, etc.

Common hazel leaves, Corylus avellana


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Common hazel leaves are especially famous for their healing properties. Hazelnuts have been known and cultivated for several thousand years. In some Lithuanian fairy tales, the hazel tree is considered sacred. Hazel can grow for about 90 years.

Active ingredients

Nuts are rich in vitamins and minerals – potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron, and trace elements – copper, phosphorus, selenium, manganese, zinc, fluorine, vitamins A, E and B, vegetable lecithin, amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids.The leaves contain 7.7 -11.6 percent. Tannins, essential oils, alkaloids, carotene, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, anthocyanins. The seed contains up to 15%. of tannins.

Bark, leaves, horsetails and nuts of common hazel are used in folk medicine.

Healing properties

It has been proven to improve memory, increase energy, work capacity, reduce the amount of fat in the blood, protect against cardiovascular diseases, and are very nutritious. These nuts are included in most vegetarian diets as a source of protein. Hazel leaf tea prevents atherosclerosis, cleanses the body, stops rotting processes in the intestines, strengthens the body’s immunity. Strengthens hair and prevents hair loss.

It constricts blood vessels, suppresses inflammation, has a bactericidal effect, so it is suitable for treating inflammations, varicose veins, bleeding, ulcers, and stimulating the release of urine.

Common hazel leaves are especially famous for their healing properties. In folk medicine, their decoction is drunk in case of digestive tract disorders and liver diseases. An infusion of dried leaves helps against jaundice, in the treatment of prostate adenoma, varicose veins. Anemia, avitaminosis, rickets in children are treated with leaf preparations. A decoction of leaves helps with hair loss and dandruff. Nut oil is used to treat epilepsy, to clean worms from the intestines. Nuts with honey are recommended for patients with rheumatism, anemia, and crushed in water or in a mixture with the fruits of other plants for bronchitis, fever, kidney stones, impotence, as well as for nursing mothers. Hazelnut oil is applied to dry and rough skin, suitable for rubbing into the scalp to reduce hair loss. Oil mixed with egg white is used to treat burns. In the spring, colitis is treated with a powder or decoction of peeled bark and fruit pulp. In addition, such a decoction reduces fever, stops bleeding from small capillaries. It is also used against dysentery, in addition, trophic wounds are treated with this solution. Patches of hazel bark are placed on the votives. Dry distillation of sawdust produces a brownish liquid. Its compresses treat eczema, psoriasis, rashes of nervous origin, streptococcal skin inflammation, fungal skin and nail diseases. A mixture of ground nuts and honey is used to treat skin burns. The best time to pick leaves is the beginning of summer.


Part of Healthy Teas AJ

Pour one tablespoon of dried hazelnut leaves or bark with a glass of water, heat, then leave for an hour. Then strain. Such a decoction should be drunk within one day.Hazelnut leaf tea promotes the excretion of urine.Leaf infusion to strengthen hair: In a glass of boiling water pour two tablespoons of dried hazelnut leaves, hold for an hour, then strain. Dilute the resulting infusion with a litre of boiled water. Use the infusion to wash your head every other day.

Hazel leaves can be used to make various infusions, decoctions, and teas. Hazelnut tea is made like any other tea – hot water, ten minutes of waiting, and enjoy.

Mixture for patients with prostate adenoma. You will need: a tablespoon of chopped dried burdock roots and a tablespoon of hazel leaves. Pour two glasses of boiling water over such a mixture, keep it for half an hour and strain it. Use 4 times a day, half a glass.

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