Yarrow , grass Tea / Lot. Achillea millefolium, herba

2 oz / 50 grams


Under its modest appearance, yarrow hides a real treasure. Its flowers and leaves can cure many diseases, strengthen the body and give attractiveness. Yarrow has both useful properties and contraindications. Therefore, you need to know exactly who, in what cases and in what quantity you can use the medicine.

Yarrow, grass / Achillea millefolium, herba


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Active ingredients

Yarrow contains so many elements that it will be difficult to list them in this article – these are amino acids and organic substances, resins, polysaccharides, choline, coumarins with tannins (tannins), alkaloids, flavonoids, ascorbic acid and carotene, vitamin K. and several macro and micronutrients .

Healing properties

The benefits for the human body are also very extensive – I will list the main ones:

Vitamin K is actively involved in the process of hematopoiesis, increases coagulation, which explains the plant’s ability to heal wounds and stop bleeding.
The plant has antimicrobial activity.
Carotene helps to improve vision, and hair and nails are strong and healthy.
Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and speeds up the healing process.
The herb has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, so it treats wounds, burns and some skin ailments.
In some cases, yarrow is used to increase lactation in nursing mothers.
During fevers and high temperatures, the herb promotes better sweating.
It is useful for gastritis, colitis and other problems of the digestive system, including the intestine, by improving its peristalsis. Astringent properties eliminate diarrhea, and in the absence of appetite, promote it.
Yarrow has a diuretic and antiallergic effect.
Regular use of the plant normalizes blood pressure.
Also, the herb normalizes body weight, accelerates metabolism, which is very useful for people with obesity and diabetes.
With the help of yarrow, liver function improves, excess bile is removed from the body. This is such a gift of nature under our feet.

Part of Healthy Teas AJ

Under its modest appearance, yarrow hides a real treasure. Its flowers and leaves can cure many diseases, strengthen the body and give attractiveness. Yarrow has both useful properties and contraindications. Therefore, you need to know exactly who, in what cases and in what quantity you can use the medicine.

Yarrow is used for:

stopping various types of internal bleeding;
treatment of fresh wounds and wounds prone to suppuration;
regulation of metabolism;
restoration of the gastrointestinal tract;
treatment of diseases of the digestive tract and 12 duodenal ulcers;
activation of bile secretion;
treatment of colds;
restoration of body strength and protective properties;
treatment of skin diseases.

For women
Yarrow combines well with various medicinal herbs and enhances the effect achieved.
This plant is widely used in gynecology. The wound healing and hemostatic properties of yarrow help to cope with uterine erosion and heavy menstruation.
It is forbidden for women to use the herb during pregnancy. Yarrow can have a stimulating effect on the uterus, which is fraught with complications and even miscarriages.

For men
In ancient times, yarrow was considered a curry flower. They took the harvested grass with them into battle to heal their wounds. modern men are more attracted to another feature of the plant.
Pharmacologists have found that yarrow contains substances that contribute to better testosterone production. As a result, it increases sexual desire and increasing the possibilities of its implementation.
At the same time, this plant has a gentle calming effect on the nervous system, strengthens the body and immunity. All this ultimately has a positive effect on the reproductive system. It can be said that yarrow has a complex effect on the body, which will improve potency.

Note: It is forbidden for women to use the herb during pregnancy. Yarrow can have a stimulating effect on the uterus, which is fraught with complications and even miscarriages.In addition, doctors advise against yarrow treatment for people with increased blood clotting, those prone to blood clots and those suffering from low blood pressure.

– Yarrow is poured with water and placed on the stove. After waiting until it boils, the fire is reduced. Cooking time is 2-3 minutes. Then the broth is covered with a lid and left to cool.
The concentration of nutrients in the broth will be maximum. It is used repeatedly, the duration and dose depends on the disease and the state of the body. Be sure to take a break between several reception courses.

-In this method of preparation, yarrow is poured with hot water, tightly covered with a lid and left for several hours. It is important that the water is not boiling. The optimum temperature is 90-99 degrees.

– The pungent aroma of yarrow decorates the composition of the tea. However, the plant must be used in moderation, otherwise the bitterness will spoil the taste of the drink.
The best tea is obtained in a glass or clay pots. Water is preliminarily boiled and only then is the herb prepared for cooking added. A few minutes in a hot kettle will help the collection evaporate. As a result, it will give the water more useful properties. Like dressings, it should not boil. A temperature of 90-95 degrees is quite enough to get a tea with a bright taste.
A cup of yarrow tea will give you strength, strengthen the immune system, calm the nervous system and help you cope with certain diseases. But do not abuse it, otherwise dizziness and insomnia are possible.

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