Knotgrass, herb (lot. Polygonum aviculare, herba)

2 oz / 50 grams


Common knotgrass decoction dissolves gallstones and kidney stones (especially it is effective in the early stages), so it is used in stone disease, it promotes the excretion of urine, as well as stops bleeding from the uterus, so it can be used as bleeding postpartum inhibitory agent, also is used against diarrhoea.

Knotgrass, herb / Polygonum aviculare, herba


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Active ingredients

The active substances.
The herb contains flavonoids (quercitrin, chemferol, rutin, avicularin), coumarins, vitamins C, K, carotenoids, 3% tannins, phenol carboxylic acids, silicon salts, resins, mucus.The grass collected during flowering contains many biologically active compounds – vitamins C, E, carotene, carbohydrates, mineral salts, essential oils.

Healing properties

Common knotgrass decoction dissolves gallstones and kidney stones (especially it is effective in the early stages), so it is used in stone disease, it promotes the excretion of urine, as well as stops bleeding from the uterus, so it can be used as bleeding postpartum inhibitory agent, also is used against diarrhoea. It accelerates blood clotting, tones the uterine muscles, lowers blood pressure and improves lung function, so it is used to treat upper respiratory diseases and relieve expectoration. The decoction can be used for rinsing of the oral cavity and throat in case of mucositis.
Common knotgrass tea is recommended to give children for the prevention of kidney and liver stone disease. In addition, folk medicine also uses common knotgrass to stimulate the appetite, to reduce fever, to treat diarrhoea, gastritis. Externally with baths and compresses are treated furuncles (boils), eczemas, dermatitis, blotches, radiculitis or podagra. Decoction common knotgrass is used to wash hair to strengthen hair, improve its growth, eradicate dandruff.

Part of Healthy Teas AJ

Common knotgrass preparations have a diuretic, astringent, haemostatic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant effect.
Decoction of common knotgrass strengthens the gums, disinfects wounds, treats haemorrhoids. If your head aches, it is recommended to cuddle it with fresh, finely chopped common knotgrass. It is useful in radiculitis, gout. After a long walk, it is useful to soak tired feet in a decoction of common knotgrass.


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