Active ingredients
Leaves contain 2 % saponins, 3 % carotene, up to 2.5 % ascorbic acid, flowers contain up to 4.7 % ascorbic acids, saponins, flavonoid compounds, underground parts contain 5-10 % saponins, 0.08 % essential oil, glycosides; all parts of the plant contain 7 % mineral substances.
Healing properties
Cowslip tea is used for the treatment of respiratory diseases, it also inhibits inflammation, promotes and facilitates expectoration in bronchitis, pneumonia.
In folk medicine, cowslip is used against rheumatism, chest pain, dizziness, epilepsy, colds, chronic constipation, migraine, also as a sweating-promoting drug.It is advisable to drink hot tea of cowslip flowers before bedtime against these ailments (linden-blossom, plantain, chamomile or marigold flowers can be added to it).
It is recommended for use in patients with hypovitaminosis, anaemia and general weakness. Relieves and suppresses coughing.
The tea of c0wslip separated from the flowers is an effective sedative, it treats nerve diseases. This preparation is especially effective in overactive children and those with sleep disorders.
Flowers – against bronchitis, for strengthening of the body in hysteria, paralysis, against dizziness, migraines, insomnia, inflammation of the bladder, diseases of the joints and various forms of rheumatism.
Dosage and use: boil 2-4 g of flowers (a teaspoon contains about 1.3 g) of raw material in 150 ml of boiling water, after 10 min. to strain Drink several times a day, especially in the morning (after waking up) and in the evening (before going to sleep), a cup of tea as warm as possible. The daily dose of flowers is 2-4 g. Drink a cup of tea sweetened with honey every 2-3 hours to stimulate expectoration.
NOTE: The plant is not recommended for allergic people. It is important to add that spring primrose leaves should not be used for food and medicinal purposes by pregnant women and people taking anti-coagulant drugs, as these plants also reduce blood clotting.
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Customer reviews
1 review for Cowslip Tea (lot. Primula, eng.Primula veris)
Mom suffers from tremors due to Parkinsin’s disease. I make this tea twice a day. I noticed a singnification improvement. Thank you very much!!!!!!
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