Inula Helenium root Tea (lot. Inula helenium)

2 oz / 50 grams



Inula Helenium root - (lot. Inula helenium)


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Active ingredients

In the Inula helenium roots of the cloudberry, which usually contain up to 40% inulin, up to 4.5% essential oil, allanic acid, resins, alkaloids, bitters, saponins, camphor, tannins, polysaccharides, including inulin. The latter is necessary for patients with diabetes. Ascorbic acid, flavonoids, vitamins, various acids, essential oil, lactones, etc. are found in the above-ground part.

Healing properties

For medicinal purposes, cloudberry has been used for centuries. Avicenna called it a wonderful plant. Already the ancient Greeks and Romans considered the plant medicinal. It was used after overeating or after eating heavy food, for sciatic neuralgia, to strengthen teeth.

It has expectorant, appetizing, digestive, diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anthelmintic and sedative effects.

Folk medicine Inula helenium treats of the respiratory tract, kidneys and urinary tract, digestive tract, radiculitis, diabetes mellitus, expels worms (ascarides) from the body. Useful as an activator of muscle and mental activity in case of fatigue, overexertion.

Inula helenium preparations have been proven to stimulate the body’s protective functions, improve mood, strengthen the heart and sexual function.

However, it should be remembered that an excessive amount of preparations of the plant can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, so you should first consult a doctor. They should not be used by persons who are allergic to plants of the aster family, suffer from cirrhosis of the liver, severe heart and kidney diseases, and pregnant women.

Inula helenium is the only plant in the world that regenerates lung tissue. The structure of the tissues is gradually restored and their necessary functions return.
It is used as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent for various respiratory tract inflammations, flu-like bronchial catarrh, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, difficult digestion, diabetes mellitus, jaundice, dropsy, hemorrhoids, kidney stones, liver, gall bladder, bladder for the treatment of diseases. It is also suggested to be used in cases of flatulence, constipation, urinary retention, and worm parasites. It is recommended to drink in the form of tea.

Decoction of Inula helenium root:
Boil 1 tablespoon of chopped Inula helenium roots in 1 glass of hot water and boil for 15 minutes on low heat. Filter the cooled decoction during the day, it is recommended to drink 1 tablespoon every 2 hours, 4 times and only warm. Allocate 3 days to the treatment course, repeat after a 7-day break.

Part of Healthy Teas AJ


A few folk recipes:

In case of asthma, hypertension.
Pour 2 glasses (400 ml) of boiling water over a spoonful of the dried roots of the big cloudberry, the same amount of hawthorn (Crataegus rhipidophylla) flowers and the flowers and leaves of common sedge (Leonurus cardiaca). Maintain for 20 min. and cook for 5 min. Leave for 10 minutes after cooking. to attract Strain and drink warm 3 times a day.

With bronchitis.
Pour a spoonful of chopped dried roots of the elder cloudberry and the same amount of dried chopped roots of the medicinal rose (Althaea officinalis) in 2 glasses (400 ml) of water and boil for 10 minutes. Divide the decoction into 3 parts and drink 3 times a day. Use for 3 days.

In rheumatism.
Pour 3 glasses (600 ml) of boiled water (cold) with a spoonful of the roots of the big cloudberry and the same amount of the roots of the big burdock (Arctium lappa). Keep overnight and drink in the morning, lunch and evening. You can add a little honey.

Youthful acne.
Wash your face with lukewarm water to which a decoction of the roots of the cloudberry is added (pour the dried roots of the cloudberry with 2 glasses (400 ml) of water and boil for 15 minutes). Wash your face several days in a row.

Senile shortness of breath.
Pour 3 glasses (600 ml) of boiling water with a spoonful of the big cloudberry, the same amount of medicinal tallow (Symphytum officinale) roots and common thyme (Thymus serpyllum) herb. Keep for half an hour and cook for 5 minutes. Strain and drink warm 3 times a day. Prepare a new decoction every day.

When the body is weakened.
Pour a spoonful of the roots of the big cloud in a glass (200 ml) of vodka. Keep for 2 weeks in the dark, shaking occasionally. After 2 weeks drink with milk: add a spoonful of this extract to half a glass of milk. Drink 3 times a day.

To relieve expectoration
Pour 2 tablespoons of dried chopped cloudberry roots and rhizomes with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. heat in a boiling water bath, then cool as much. Strain and drink a third of a glass for 60-30 minutes. before eating.

Mix equal amounts of dried chopped cloudberry root and medicinal rose root. Pour a tablespoon of this mixture into 2 glasses of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, keep for 20-30 minutes to cool. Strain and drink half a glass 3 times a day before meals.

To strengthen the body
-Add a spoonful of dried chopped cloudberry roots and rhizomes to a glass of good vodka. Keep in a dark place for 14 days, shaking daily. Then strain, add a tablespoon of this extract to half a glass of milk and drink 3 times a day.

-Pour 100 g of dried chopped roots and rhizomes with a liter of dry red wine. After 8 days, strain and drink 2 tablespoons after meals.

From senile sclerosis
Pour 0.5 l of 40° vodka over 30 g of dried, chopped cloudberry roots and rhizomes and keep in a dark place for 14 days, shaking occasionally. Then strain and drink this extract 20 drops 3 times a day before meals with water for 20 days.

From herpes
Mix chopped cloudberry roots and rhizomes, sedum and raspberry leaves, bellflowers, marsh silverwort rhizomes, medicinal roses, licorice roots in a thermos in a ratio of 1:1:1:1:1:1:2. Boil 3 tablespoons of this mixture in a thermos with 700 ml of water and leave it to infuse overnight. Drink a quarter of a glass of this infusion 3-4 times a day, and it is also good for washing the affected areas.

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