English masterwort Tea (lot. Aegopodium podagraria)

2 oz / 50 grams
(1 customer review)


In the world of plants, there is no such edible plant as English masterwort , which in its chemical composition is so close to the composition of human blood.
English masterwort is rich in immune system stimulating vitamin C, malic acid and citric acid.
The most important microelements in it also add great healing power: manganese, copper, iron.
English masterwort contains a large amount of proteins, pectins, vitamin C, carotene – which is indispensable for the eyes, and many other vitamins. It contains essential oils, coumarins and calcium, without which bone material does not form.

English masterwort, Aegopodium podagraria


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Active ingredients

English masterwort leaves, stems, flowers are rich in essential oils, steroids, nitrogen compounds, vitamin C (up to 133 mg), flavonoids, trace elements (iron, copper, manganese, titanium and boron), enzymes and phytoncides.

Healing properties

There is no other edible plant in the plant world like the English masterwort that is so close in chemical composition to human blood.
English masterwort is very rich in vitamin C, malic and citric acid, which stimulate the immune system.
Also, the most important microelements in it add high healing powers: manganese, copper, iron.
English masterwort has a high content of protein, pectin, vitamin C, and many other vitamins also carotene which is irreplaceable for the eyes. It contains essential oils, coumarins and calcium, without which no bone is formed.English masterwort is useful for people suffering from swelling because it is a good remedy to remove excess fluids from the body.It contains many useful substances to help cope with anaemia. The herbal infusion has light soothing properties.

The use of herb will help improve the condition of hair, nails and teeth.
The herbal is recommended for use in diseases of the kidneys and bladder, in cases of gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory diseases, rheumatism, gout and avitaminosis.

English masterwort is useful for people suffering from swelling because it is a good remedy to remove excess fluids from the body. It contains many useful substances to help cope with anaemia. English masterwort should not be used at low blood pressure.

Part of Healthy Teas AJ

English masterwort helps with cancer, chronic constipation and obesity.
Another good feature of the herbal has recently been discovered: an active ingredient in the plant was found that helps the heart muscle activity.
In the Herbal medicine says that English masterwort cleanses the blood well, helps the body get rid of slag.

The scientific name of the common gorse species – podagraria – is linked to the healing properties of the plant. In the Middle Ages, common gourd was considered one of the most effective medicinal plants against gout, a common disease among members of the nobility, monks and priests at that time. It is caused by disturbed uric acid metabolism in the body. People who are obese and consume food rich in purines (fatty meat, fish) usually get this disease. In the Middle Ages, the nobility and monks ate a lot of fatty foods. Common gourds are highly valued as food and medicinal plants, many of them are grown in monastery gardens and gardens.

Vitamin drink: pour 2 glasses of boiling water with 3 teaspoons of the herb and let it settle for 2 hours. It is strained and advised to drink ½ glass 4 times a day before meals.

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1 review for English masterwort Tea (lot. Aegopodium podagraria)
  • 4 out of 5

    a wonderful source of vitamins

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