Active ingredients
Minerals (especially rich in phosphorus, calcium), beta carotene, vitamins A, C, B groups, rutin, pectins, flavonoids, amino acids, essential oil, squalene.
Healing properties
For Cardiovascular System activity, for Digestive system and Metabolic, against Dermatological Diseases, for Musculoskeletal System. Amaranth is not only famous as a food, but also has unique medicinal properties. Amaranth slows the aging process, lowers blood cholesterol, treats tuberculosis, bronchitis and pneumonia, psoriasis and eczema, chronic stomach ulcers, burns, atherosclerosis, angina and many other ailments. The healing power of amaranth is equivalent to ginseng or basket plant (Callisia fragrans), and the nutritional value exceeds of all the world’s existing vegetation species.
Not only amaranth seeds but also leaves have healing properties. They are rich in calcium and vitamin C. The leaves help maintain strong nails, teeth, hair, protect against osteoporosis (a disease in which bone tissue becomes thinner).
The leaves also have antibacterial, antioxidant properties, regulate metabolic processes, strengthen the walls of blood vessels (especially capillaries), thus protecting against bleeding. Due to the abundant number of vitamins present in the leaves, they may be suitable for the treatment of avitaminosis.
For Cardiovascular System activity, for Digestive system and Metabolic, against Dermatological Diseases, for Musculoskeletal System.
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Customer reviews
1 review for Blood amaranth Tea / Lot. Amaranthus Paniculatus Cruentus
I love this herbal! Super!
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